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Scent of a Woman

hey ! currently crazy about this drama ! The drama is over but i'm stuck at the forth episode. I watched on SONE HD 393.. 

satu jew yang aku suka pasal drama ini iaitu Lee Dong Wook. Well.. dia kacak. Aku baru tahu dia berlakon dalam My Girl sebab aku tak pernah tgk cerita My Girl tu.

Korang mesti dah dgr OST cerita dia kan? Cameo Kim Junsu dlm episod 5 ? How is it ? Excited x ?

My fav OST is Bluebird

Sapew yang belom tengok drama ni. Kena tengok sebab best sangat. Even aku baca ramai orang comment yg heroin tu terlalu tua untuk Wookie but do I care ?

not a problem oppa !

kyaa ~ !!


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